So what if your blog was really good. I mean over 100K readers enjoying your material online.
Well why not shoot for a book deal and get a six figure paycheck. At least that's what Christian Landers did with his blog called "Stuff white people like".
If you can remember way back in March 3rd 2008 (so so long ago), I wrote a blog titled Things people say. (Blog of the month) which spot lighted a cool blog called "stuff white people like".
Well check this out people. This blog is so cool that even Random House decided it was a big deal to pick up. A six figure big deal in fact. (Did I mention Christian Landers the author of the blog is in fact Caucasian.) So make sure you pick up the book or at least read the blog because it is really that good.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Can your blog turn into a book deal?
Friday, March 28, 2008
This is my response to all those people who keep asking?
Hey everyone.
I had to take this moment to respond and clarify a couple of things. Time and time again while kicking it with friends, family, marketing and P.R. colleagues, and once in a while with the drunken girl that's in need of some serious gum, (preferably wrigley's big red gum to cut all that drunken funk out her mouth) I have to explain to them what it is I do. I explain to them that I work with New-Media, and that I am a Interactive New-Media & Marketing Consultant.
A few that are tech industry professionals get what I do off the bat, while others............................................ don't quite understand, or say they understand; "Yeah yeah, you create websites.", or "You work with computers." For the people that ask me what it is I do, I have nothing but respect for your question and will try to answer it simply and also educate you on this growing field of work. For those whom think I just create websites or just work with computers, please visit the following link to help you out a little, (
Now to explain my blog "Interactive New-Media Marketing" a.k.a "UrbanGeekBlog". It is basically made up three segments:
1 - Gaming
Keeping you updated on the gaming business & companies. Not just the games, but how new technologies are allowing games to become interactive, mobile, and changing the way people communicate.
Get the insider of what you don't see in the Best Buy or Game Stop stores.
2 - Web 2.0
Stay updated on the ever changing world on social sites, online games, blogs, P2P file sharing sites, all what's hot & what's not on the world wide web. See how politics, music, and even your day-to-day life is digitally connected.
3 - Mobile
Since I'm a little older, I can remember when having a pager in middle school was the thing, and since I considered myself to be a pimp, I was the first to rock a pager watch. But now 10 year olds riding on skate-boards have BlackBerries and Nokia N-Series phones. This is just in the U.S. in which we are 5 years behind in mobile technology. So stay updated on what's going on in the world when it comes to mobile.
So please stay up on my blogs and get educated.
Thanks Heather for stooping through the box and keeping me company. (Sometimes I get lonely.)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
How inde music artist keep it mobile
In a industry where it seems the major music labels are getting the short end of the stick (with reported record losses). It is pretty obvious that music is being consumed by people more than ever before. Thanks to the likes of new technology and companies with visions like Jamster, Steve Jobs' iTunes and iPods. Now you are able to download and convert you music and videos to MP3, AVI and other formats, put them on your PSP, Zune, SideKick, and even Xbox 360 and run with them.
Within the great interactive new-media world, indie and unsigned artist are able to take control of their music sales without owing the middle man or the loan shark labels tons of money. Not only are artist able to control sales, they are able to communicate with their audience unlike ever before.
Take ( for example,
If you are a music artist, a fashion icon, model with sex appeal, or just have something you thank you can create a mobile fan club with, then this mobile sms and mobile media is the one for you.
No need for fans to send you fan mail with envelopes & posted stamps, have them text you (live mobile to online & mobile to online chat sessions) and send mobile fan pix, be bff's with your fans. Create your own broadtexter page viewable as a widget or desktop application, and on your mobile phone.
Create real-time text alerts of shows, events, guess appearances. You can even schedule your alerts or even regionalize them for specific area like New York City, NY or even Culver City, CA all from your account online or right from your own phone.So get silly and mobilize your fan club and stay connected with your fans. Its so Free.
OH! and if your not a music artist please do not fret because Broadtexter is still built around fans wanting to stay up on their artist. You can join your favorite artist fan club and stay in contact with them and not thier P.R. agency or someone pretending to be them. Share real-time pictures and real-time chats with artist and other fan club members.
(Don't worry folks, no one will ever get your mobile number. It's kept private from both fans and artist.)
So their you have it people. My mobile pick of the day.SHOUT OUT!
I have to give a shout out to Tonya for her insider blog on the underground music and up coming artist called THEEARGASM (
Recommended move for tonight - The Five Heartbeats
Friday, March 21, 2008
Whats happens when the greate online poker world starts to smoke reefer?
You get a smoking cool poker site called (
I am not the one to encourage a 420 free zone or a good card playing hand, but if you got skills and you support a "green habitat" then this ones for you (cough cough...choke.... here man try this).
There are soo soo many gambling poker sites out there, but none that are a actual community.
So this is why I had to put this two month old start-up company on the spot light of Web 2.0
Like traditional online poker games played over the internet, you gamble, you when some if your good, or you loose.
I had to ask Sid the owner of how in the world did they come up with this idea. Sid's response - "The answer is simple. Our creators love both playing poker and the marijuana culture. Pot enthusiasts are a different breed. We are relaxed, we analyze, we like to have fun."
Make sure your short term memory isn't too far gone that you forget that on the last Sunday of every month we host a $50,000 freeroll. Yeah – Free-Roll. All you have to do it earn 5,000 Comp Points during the month to play.
While you are earning entry into this massive freeroll, you will also be earning entry into our weekly $10K freerolls, and many more. Over $120,000 in freerolls a month!
So I suggest that you don't get too blazed or you might just lose your hand, unless you are a professionals.

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Is the T-Mobile SideKick out of DANGER of another AOL outage?
For all you SideKick lovers that text & chat all day and night. Have you been frustrated with your T-mobile ShityKick? SideKick just does not connect to AOL, or MSN and sends a strange message saying that you log on your AOL account way to many times. Is your MSN I.M. all flucked up as well?
It seems strange that your Yahoo I.M. is still reliable right?
How about something even more relevant to add to your AOL & MSN SideShyt frustration, Microsoft is buying out Danger Inc.
Unless you've been living in a cave, or you live with your grandma that still has a old fashion television with a turn knob, (Do you remember the channel turners with the knobs? It was hard trying to get that UHF Fox channel huh?) You should know by now that Danger Inc. ( is the creator and owner of the amazing SideKick.
In a nutshell the Sidekick is a combination device, being both a cell phone serviced by T-Mobile, and a portable Internet device provisioned by the Danger data network. Danger data services include email, web browsing, and an AOL Instant Messenger client.
So why is it after the announcement of this big buyout that a series of outages and frustrated Sidekick AOL and MSN users are unable to login and I.M.? There is nothing wrong with the Yahoo I.M.
I guess AOL and Microsoft's MSN can't get along.
Gas is now $4 bucks and now this.
To find out more about Microsoft Agreement to Acquire Danger Inc. Visit -
Recommended movie for tonight: No County for Old Men
Monday, March 17, 2008
Does Freedom of the Press (or Press Freedom) Exist?
Welcome to the world wide web (aka, with infinite resources and access to unlimited of information, videos, blogs, podcast, etc. as you so please to find or would like to upload and display.
From porn, to world-wide news, to personal journals, and photos, the list goes on and on as to who can or will display themselves or opinions on the web. Shyt, look at me and my Interactive New Media and Marketing blog with my opinions of what is news worthy. But who is to say that our public opinions , online broadcast, podcast, blogs, and more are not controlled by a higher power? Maybe a government power? (SAY WHAAAAT?!!!)
Okay peepz, I am not the revolutionist type like the Black Panther Party, or even Hell's Angels. But when Chinese Government closes off all media access to the region including censoring the reports about Tibet inside China and the Buddhist Monks revolts, you might think that at least the people have access to the internet, (right?). Well the government even closed off internet access - that includes CNN, Youtube, Google News, Veoh the list goes on. It has been reported that even both Google sites have been blocked from the Internet in China. To prevent its citizens from seeing these videos or reading about them, the Chinese government has taken down all of YouTube and Google News inside China.
Is Google willing to take down all video and footage of the riots to restore access to YouTube and Google News inside China? I mean, China is one of Googel's biggest markets that the big G needs to be a player in.
Google, what's more important? Freedom of press or losing out to a government control whom wants to control people beliefs, eventually wanting to erase this from their history? (DON'T strip our videos, blogs, news items about Tibet.)
As reported by - "There is a precedent here: in China you cannot find a lot of information about the 1989 Tiananmen Square uprising on the Web, including the famous image of the lone man standing in front of the line of tanks. Most young Chinese have never seen that image."
See video at: (
But what about video that the rest of the world has seen, only to be hidden from Americans?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
How Take-Two Interactive PIMPS the EA.
So how does Take-Two Interactive plays its hand when it comes to EA's push to acquire the company? They announce creations of hot ass sequels which are sure to make guap - (aka huge amounts of money). Such games titled BioShock 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV. So not only will the $292.6 Million dollar company look good on paper for a hot new games, it will also increase its selling price when EA writes its check to buy it out.
I'm just saying, can someone write me a check for a million? I'll promise to pay it back with interest......... well maybe that day will come, but until then check out other cool games that Take-Two has on its resume. (
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Holy Shyt!! beats live communities to the mobile punch!
Okay peoplez, this is the first time I had to combine segments, but this is too much of a coincidence. must be reading my thoughts, or they are just forward thinking and understand that the U.S. is in the ice ages when it comes to mobile while other countries like Korea and Japan are five years ahead of the game.
In my previous blog titled -
The incredible not eatable LIVE video community
I spoke about the idea of a live video streaming from both mobile phones and Webcams. Well guess what. has beaten the live community .com industry to the punch. (Sorry Scott, I guess I was a little to late with that idea.)
Up till now, Kyte allowed people to create their own personal TV channels on the Web by uploading videos from their cell phones to various widgets and to Today, Kyte is adding live video streaming from both mobile phones and Webcams, which is broadcast through your personal Kyte channel and archived for later viewing. So no matter if your at home or at the mall you can chat live with live video streaming. This achievement is so big and so hot that even Curtis James Jackson also known as 50 Cent lifted a eyebrow and decided to test out with his ThisIs50 campaign.
Recommended movie for tonight - Back to the Future
Friday, March 7, 2008
The incredible not eatable LIVE video community
From Livevideo to Stickam to BlogTV, JustinTV, and soon to be in this growing live casting orgy Youtube LIVE. It seems as though there is a purpose for those webcams other then aol and skype sessions.
Take for starters (, a live video-streaming community that you can chat live via group or private with your webcam. No web-cam, no worries, you still can instant message share videos and photos just like myspace.
Some of you may think this is a waist of time. "Like why would I want to chat with friends and strangers live on a webcam?" Well it must be a big deal if Youtube - the monster of video communities (with over 60,000,000 unique visitors) wants to go LIVE! Then again I guess you can't photoshop a live video stream. What you see is what you get.
So Jetsons, whats next huh? We already have a mobile video conferencing feature (Check out the Nokia N93). What about a mobile live video community conferencing feature? A mobile application for stickam where multiple people from their laptops at Starbucks and on their N-Series phones can stream live?
Make sure Scott you send me check for that idea. Haha just kidding. (no I'm not.)
Recommended movie for tonight - Cruel Intentions
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Myspace takes a TimeSlice in new technology
So to give you the low-down, Operation Myspace ( Myspace is having a live concert for our American Soldiers in Kuwait next week. Preformances by the Pussycat Dolls, Jessica Simpson, Disturbed, Filter, DJ Z-Trip and Carlos Mencia (HEYYY!!! WHERE IS M.I.A. IN THIS LINE UP!?)
Anyway, the coolest part of this concert is that you are able to watch this live performance from the middle Kuwait on, and it is all thanks to a new technology created by Kulabyte (
Okay okay, your probably thinking to yourself that this is not news worthy because it's like watching a live concert on cable tv. Here is where you are wrong. Even though this is a high definition live video streaming, it is not coming through a cable modem (aka; your 48 inch HD flat screen panel.) This is encoding a high def stream in real time over the internet. Companies have been trying to figure out this hurtle / problem for the longest. So not to bore you with the tech talk, let me show you how this thing works.
As quoted by Michael Arrington from (Word from Word).
"Here’s how the video gets from Kuwait to your computer screen: video is shot at the army base in Kuwait and fed to a Satellite. There’s no line of site to Los Angeles where MySpace is based, so the stream is downlinked on the east coast and shot up to another satellite, then down to Los Angeles.
At that point a third party, Texas-based Kulabyte, takes over and does the really hard part - real time transcoding to VP6 for video, MP3 for audio, in a FLV wrapper. Kulabyte is launching a newly developed technology they call TimeSlice
for the first time with Operation MySpace.
Kulabyte then hands off the packaged stream to Akamai, a content delivery network, who ensures that as many users who want the stream can get it.
Ref: Title - Operation Myspace has real tech behind it: Debut of Kulabyte/ Dated Mar 5th 2008
So there you have it. A free live concert on, and you know I love free.
Operation MySpace - LIVE March 10th - Trailer
Add to My Profile
Recommended movie for tonight - G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Technology + Gadgets + Fetishes = ZeroPointZero
ZeroPointZero is a sleek, sexy, handcuff watch. I bet i could put these hand cuffs on Halle Berry and she would kiss me. (Mmmmmmmmm Halle)
So here something that provokes desire, lust, hate and passion. It's called time. We spend every moment of it either enjoying it, wishing it would move faster, or constantly trying to fight it back. But here is news to all of you Fiji vacationers, students trap in math classes, and people with face-lifts. You can't control TIME!
So since you can't control it, just get this sexy watch for your girl (or guy) and enjoy the moment.
(When will we see a cell-phone watch? I used to rock a pager-watch.)
Recommended movie for tonight - Dusk Till Dawn
The baddest smartphone on the block (xperiax1)
If your a mobile fanatic you probably already know about this doohickey. Its called the XPERIAX1. The name is supposed to sound like experience, but I hope that wont null the fact that this is a hot ass phone.
Not only do you get the cool effects of a iphone, you get a smartphone with Windows 6.1 with a full keyboard that slides out (for all you side-kick lovers), a 3-inch touch display at a resoultion of 800x480 (what!? did someone say that is standard for dvd quality on a mobile phone?)
The damn phone even has WiFi, HSDPA/HSUPA, and GSM access. So drug dealers, killers and any other criminals need not buy, cause your stupid ass will be tracked down. But for you common folk wanting a navigation system on your phone, well here you go.
This baby also has 400MB of memory........................................... Now what was I saying? oh yeah, This baby also has 400MB of memory.
So if you are a in style type of person, baller, or just like the latest shyt. Then save your dollars kiddies, cause this phone is on the market the second half of 2008.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Things people say. (Blog of the month)
Since I just started blogging myself, sometimes I glimpse to see what others are blogging about. Some chat about religion, others politics, and some race. Seems to be the top stories these days, (Maybe it's due to it being an election year with the first real chance of a first African mixed American male, and a Female to be nominated as president? .........hmmmmmm.............. NAH!)
Shout outs to Tonya for letting me know this blog ever existed, shout outs to Miss Hershey Mcjones
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Its all about ninja warrior
If you're somewhat a geek you should know about G4TV. A video gamers network cable station. But if you don't know about G4TV you got to check it out and tune into Ninja Warrior. It's basically American Gladiator on steroids.
Imagine creating a killer obstacle course, literally a killer, I mean turn that jungle gym into some real deal shit. Dig a moat underneath the jungle gym. Remove those plastic parts of the jungle gym and replace them with steel, rope, and chains. Grab the ramps and half-pipes from last years X-Games, and there you have it. A sick twisted fun game that even 13 year old and grandparents can play. The winner of this 3 level break your neck sport wins something more valuable then money, They win HONOR & RESPECT!!! Yes that is all, nothing more then honor and respect (move over Tiger Woods).
Click here to check it out - Ninja Warrior
Recommended move for tonight - Just turn your TV on G4 and watch Ninja Warrior.