Only in the U.S. (which is behind more than 5 freaking years in mobile technology) you will keep hearing this weak ass tagline when comparing new touch screen phones in the U.S. to the so well branded iPhone. Oh yah, you did not know (!?) America the land of the brotherhood from sea to shining sea is behind more than 5 years in mobile technology. That's why your signal drops calls no matter where you are. Right now while you are reading this, there is some 12 year old kid in Japan, Korea, or somewhere in UK watching HDTV on their mobile touch screen phone. Right now, while you are on your mobile phone trying to download that slow GPS Map on your crackberry aka Blackberry, somewhere in Japan, Korea, and in UK there is a 16 year old walking around with his or her cell phone having a mobile video-conference with multiple people at once, (and you thought you were the shyt with that mobile GPS). So many companies attempted to create the next "iPhone Killer" that they all need to be added to But for once there might be a U.S. phone that can finally beat the iphone brand appeal. I would like to introduce the following phones to the U.S. market, but it is up to you the consumers to make your pick. The XPERIAX1 What more can I say but Fire! See more at ( Instinct Sony got it popping with the Instinct. Visit ( for more info. LG Vu
How many times have you heard the words "iPhone Killer"?
because they all failed.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
How the iPhone finally gets bitched
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Digging in the crates with USB’s
I can recall not so long ago, helping my cousin who was a DJ lugging crates full of vinyl. Almost forgot to mention that it was at night and in the dead of winter freezing my ass off. If you never carried crates filled with vinyl, let me just tell you, it's literally hand blistering heavy. And usually if it was going to be a banging party there was at least six crates to carry. Ohhh I miss the good old day. Well of course you guys know that those days are definitely over thanks to advancement of technology (and how digital music killed the vinyl and the crates). Now days DJ's like the amazing and sexy DJ Pesce - Well here is a gadget that can turn your vinyl to digital with ease. The Ion iTTUSB Turntable with USB Record for only $120 bucks "In an era before MP3s, CD-ROMs, and RIAA lawsuits, vinyl was the medium of choice for music lovers around the world. If you're old enough to remember those days, you're probably the proud owner of a few vinyl records that you wish you could convert to a modern digital format for your iPod or other digital device. Your wish has been granted with the iTT USB turntable from Ion. Using an USB connection and some open-source software this gadget converts and records your vinyl treasures into MP3s that you can use on modern music devices." - So throughout those cords and connect that USB, this is a good gift for that uncle who just won't get rid of that basement full of records.
pretty much carries a small Apple computer, her iPod, and her Crackberry phone. (Honestly she is for real a Digging in the crates DJ; don't let her short sexiness fool you).
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Inbox + xobni = a better email service for outlook
Are you tired of searching for and through that e-mail threads for information that your stupid boss sent to you?
Well no more will you have to go and back track for email-conversation just to find someone’s phone number. With Xobni you can now easily catch co-workers in lies when they tell you that they never received an email or that important attachment.
Find stats on when you’re most likely to receive daily emails from people, see who your top 10 people that you are most likely to e-mail or converse with the most.
Xobni (which is inbox spelled backwards for those who are a little slow) also exposes your email hidden social network. It’s almost like a Myspace for facebook in our outlook that we never knew about.
“After a quick install, you'll see the new Xobni toolbar appear in Outlook - and suddenly information will become much easier to find. When a new email arrives, the sender's full communication history appears in the Xobni sidebar, including past conversations, attachments and contact details. Xobni also includes a blazing fast email search tool.” -
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Okay peeps, I had to get the facts on this one. On Monday, May 5, 2008 I wrote about The SideKick Mobile Video!?!?!?!?
At the time it was just a rumor. Well now I have the inside scoop because I’m going to be the first to kill the rumor. The SideKick Mobile Video is in fact freaking true! You will be able to record and watch videos on your stank ass SK LX.
Now you can make your own home made porn and post it to, catch Los Angeles cops on video beating down local hard working Mexican’s, and email your videos to friends and
I’m not sure how good the video quality will be but it has been reported that the codec choice maybe H.264, (To put it simple, this is the same codec that YouTube encodes videos in Apple iPhone.)
Ohh shyt! That means you will also be able to watch YouTube videos directly on the LX. (Time for you sad SK3 people to upgrade)
Not only will Danger INC. / MSN / PMX??? launch this OTA – over the air update, they are also putting out the Tony Hawk’s New Limited Addition SK LX – move over D-Wade SideKick .
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Lineage Marketing’s first E-mail Newsletter
Lineage Marketing is an Interactive & New-Media Marketing Company with a concentrated focus on leading edge marketing platforms – Web 2.0, Gaming and Mobile. We specialize in Gaming interactive placement and advertisement, Web 2.0 viral campaigns, digital word of mouth, Search Engine Optimization, web and social network designs, widgets, Blogs, and online media placement, in addition to Mobile sms, smtp, wap, and flashlight campaigns, applications, and mobile viral video.
Let it be known that nothing is ever standard or traditional with Lineage Marketing interactive new-media marketing.
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Starsky J. Robinson a.k.a. Starsky (No Hutch).
I am not a believer in titles such as C.E.O., President, or King. At Lineage Marketing, all co-workers are considered partners and there is a open door policy for creativity while managing quality interactive campaigns. I am in fact the owner of Lineage Marketing, but consider my title as Interactive New-Media Consultant.
For those who might wonder what is up with the red box, the box in fact represents the concept of “Thinking inside the box”, going against the norm of the so common “thinking outside the box”. Thinking inside the box requires minimal resources with a whole lot of results, smaller budgets bigger ROI.
Amazingly, creativity and organization is produced in even the smallest of places.
Okay enough about me and let’s get to what’s new.
I would like to welcome Lineage Marketing’s newest clients:
Deuce Tre Deuce (a.k.a. DTD and 232)
An Urban-Pop music group based out of Baltimore Maryland consisting of three talented young men - Divine, Kameechi, and Sincere. Their Baltimore, Maryland and Washington D.C. top chart Go-Go music song titled: “Hands Up, Thumbs Down” started their music career with an amazing jump start.
– Lineage Marketing is spearheading a campaign for DTD consisting of online branding, MySpace design, Viral and Video Marketing and Digital Word of Mouth to generate valuable online buzz.
Magnate Music (Artist HB HollaBack)
HB (a.k.a. HollaBack) is an up and coming Watts/Los Angeles, CA hip-hop artist under the Magnate Music label.
– Lineage Marketing is providing Magnate Music with online promotions for artist HB Hollaback. Campaigns consist of Video and viral marketing, Search Engine Optimization across Google/Yahoo/MSN/AOL and more, Digital Word of Mouth, WEB 2.0 Optimization and Interactivity, measurable Analytics, and online branding.
(Look out soon for the redesign of HB HollaBack Myspace profile.)
Check out HB Videos at
A online poker community built around the “420” movement where users can enjoy hours and hours of videos, chats sessions, and a good hand at poker.
– Lineage Marketing is proud to introduce its first, and not the last, online gaming client. We are currently providing online cross promotions with a variety of business-to-business relationships while growing user acquisition to the ReeferPoker community site and tournaments.
Thank you all for being a valued client, we look forward to harnessing professional and measurable results for you.
LINEAGE MARKETING OFFICIAL BLOG “Strictly for the Urban Geek” Ya-Dig!
Ya-Dig is all about New-Media and Interactive Marketing for the urban Geek and the people that are new to this online world wanting to find more. From Gaming to Web 2.0 and Mobile, stay up to date on what’s hot and what’s not in the tech industry. Don't get left behind.
Monday, May 5, 2008
The SideKick Mobile Video!?!?!?!?
What could come after the SideKick LX? What features could Microsoft Corp/Danger Inc. (or is it PMX?) possibly offer besides that all so amazing flip keypad used for text messaging and instant messaging people while driving? I mean the Myspace application has saved so many addicted Myspacers lives, (freakin Myspace crack heads). But what else can SideKick offer that would make an urban geek say wow!? How about a video application and the ability to record video and send videos to your friends and family instantly from your SK. As seen from, the two screen shots confirm that both video recording and video playback will be included in the rumored update. If this rumor is true, it will possibly be an OTA (Over The Air) update. (Hey Money, I bet your Palm can't do that.) So I will keep you SK LX lovers updated on what will maybe the next best thing since Kool-Aid and Jordan Sneakers. RECOMMENDED MOVIE FOR TONIGHT – 8MM Well here is a rumor for your asses. There is a rumor of a Video support coming soon to the Sidekick LX.