Monday, September 8, 2008

Google Chrome, oops I meant Google FAIL

So recently Google launched a search application which they call "Chrome" an open-source browser project based on existing Webkit ( rendering engine. Well let me get straight to the point, the browser sucks balls. Besides the inability to download many needed applications, even people with disabilities can't use this crap:

  • Limited support for keyboard input
  • No support Windows high contrast mode
  • Lack of programmatic clues for interface elements
  • Information describing links or focused elements not interpreted by screen readers
So boo on Google for letting a weak product like this get media and press. You all can rip this one out the technology history book.


Anonymous said...

So you mean to tell me that everything goole touches isn't gold?

EEE I really hope this is not an indicator of the google phones ability to live up to its hype.

Miss Hershey McJones said...

What are your thoughts on Google Reader? I've at least heard good things about that!